
Fletch woke us up at 5am scratching his ear.. a lot. I went to wipe it and it was bleeding!  Slight panic but it was only from where hed scratched it. Once wiped he settled back to sleep soundly 

But about 10 am the vet phoned to see how he was and after mentioning his itchy ear and  that he was still chewing his paws she suggested I brought him up to see her this afternoon. I'd been planning to go up to get some more of his tablets anyway. 

The visit was generally ok. His ear wasnt as bad as I feared . She said that what I was doing to help him was working and in the end we left with just some more 'anti itch' tablets . 

Back home I felt exhausted and ended up going for a sleep for an hour , something I rarely do. I'm sure its partly the stress of worrying about Fletch. It's hard to accept he is getting older. 
But, he had a lovely week with us last week. Really enjoyed himself and he was more than happy for a teatime walk once I'd woken up

 This splash of colour against the water is todays blip.

I must thank everybody for all the lovely comments, the stars and hearts over the last couple of weeks. They are very much appreciated. 

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