Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul


What a beautiful day its been today! After work I stopped off at Bassenthwaite so Bonnie could have a paddle. There were more midges there than people!! Welcome back midges, I've missed you. Yes I'm kidding!! Wouldn't it be great if we had a year off from the midges, oh and ticks:) Anyhow on the way back to the car I stopped to chat to a lady who had a very very long heavy lens on her camera. I had a hunch that she was hoping to see some Osprey and I was right. Apparently she'd seen two pairs on the lake not long before I stopped for a chat!! I hung around for a while in case they reappeared but no they didn't so off we went.

Rain is due tomorrow so I'm going to cut the front grass now before it gets dark :) Better get a move on!

Am still grassing cutting, popped back to ask if anybody has heard a cuckoo yet? I heard my first one at Loweswater yesterday!

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