Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul

Stormy skies at Loweswater

Busy day today with lots of driving. Can't complain too much as I was able to go for a walk at Loweswater with Bonnie. I was sure we'd get wet as it had been raining quite heavy and then a hailstone shower but we were lucky and managed to stay dry! Of course all this mixture of weather meant lots of fantastic clouds! Driving home, the clouds across the Solway towards Scotland were absolutely amazing and I couldn't take my eyes off them!!

Woo hoo some of the fells have got a fresh covering of snow, well Skiddaw has!

My tailgate guard for the car arrived today and its being fitted first thing, can't wait! Now I need to sell the old one! No day off for me this weekend, working! But will be in the Lakes and we'll definitely be fitting in a walk.

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