Cats & Dogs

By thecatsmother

Two Naked Ladies!

Gave the pond a slight change... The driftwood I put down the side seems to be infested with some sort of wasp that wants to turn the whole world into sawdust so it is now end down in a bucket of water! Let's hope they can swim or hold their breath for a good while.

The second SmallNakedLady came home with me from my mother's. When she was here she thought a pair of them would be much more fetching than one, so she insisted I have her!
The BIGNakedLady is all alone the other side of the gate, I am not sure what to do with her!
I am still on the look out for some broken slates to lie over and hide the edges so it's not yet finished but we are getting there! And I have to pinch some old bricks from the beach too! Landscaping is hard work!
I did not pinch the giant pebbles, they were already here, I do not intend to ask any questions about their provenance.

I painted the rest of the fence on the other side of the garden AND got this bit of fence on the picture finished too... I'd only done the bit behind the buddleia before. I reckon I have enough left to do the fence back to the house and then I'll get another to do the middle fence, gate and the tiny shed.

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