A Kaffe Fassett Flower

The garden has a few flowers, but they’re pretty tired. On the other hand, this Kaffe Fassett fabric has flowers that knock my socks off, so I decided to cheat a little today and take a picture of one of them. This one is called ‘Brocade Peony’.

John was outside somewhere, I was on the floor in the office doing some exercises and Matt was getting ready to take a shower when there was a loud and insistent ringing of the doorbell, accompanied by even louder and more insistent barking. It took each of us about the same amount of time to pull ourselves together and arrive at the front door at the same time in various states of déshabille.

It was the Fed Ex guy with my Stitch Fix box. Even he seemed to know what it was, for he announced it with some fanfare as he handed it to me. Although I think I will be sending back three out of seven items, I’m impressed that my stylist (Alyssa) figured out the right size for the jeans which was different from what I put in the survey. They fit perfectly. And I love the other four items, a dress the same color as the brocade peony, a wonderful animal print sweater, an the perfectly fitting jeans.

While Matt worked the phone in our office, we watched one guy single-handedly clad the house next door with white plastic vapor barrier. This involves some perching on a very tall, rather precarious looking ladder…no mean feat. OSHA (Occupational Health and Safety) requires the infernal back up beepers which accompanied the effort for some reason, but doesn’t seem to care that workers are teetering on ladders and balancing on open roof beams….

Matt’s company, Rawlings, which makes baseball equipment, just acquired a small company that makes the bases. Apparently they are the only company that makes them, and there seemed to be much discussion about all the work that needed to be done to sort out its many deficiencies.
The one-sided discussions we could hear provided an interesting counterpoint to the usual household routines.

Did you know that they sell the major league bases to collectors after each game? Or that they are making them three inches larger for next season? Who would want a ‘used’ base, and what on earth do they do with them?

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