
What a week. Since posting on Monday night, this is a brief summary of my somewhat stormy week!

The originals ....pre-collage

Tuesday...almost 7 hours in my classroom...prepping room for exam, invigilation, no one to speak to...hell...hour off in the middle of the day when my boss, who I respect completely, decided to wind me up about something really insignificant, but because I was knackered and stressed, it completely got to me, and he kept pushing the joke, and pushed it too far - others present told him so...apology? No.

Evening - wedding dress hunt. disappointment. Nothing else to say.

Wednesday...Senior team meeting ...greeted by the boss...I'm still angry and upset with him "Good morning colleague. Are you not speaking to me?" "No, not until you apologise" I reply....which then causes the whole bloody thing to start again and he continues to wind me up whenever he can during SMT meeting. Doesn't see that it isn't funny anymore.

Later in the day, I decide to just let it drop - no point two senior colleagues being silly and immature - so I become the better person and tell him PUBLICLY that I forgive him for making me feel so uncomfortable and upset. He is uncomfortable "I don't want your forgiveness. I haven't done anything wrong". But its out there now, and everyone heard. So for him to continue it quite so publicly would show him as the weaker one...I win.

Afternoon progresses, all returns to normal - standard p*** taking re-commences and all is well.

Isn't it a shame that two grown people can behave so stupidly - me because I was tired and let something get to me that should have just washed over me, and him because he didn't see that he should have dropped it at a particular point in time.

Wednesday evening - osteopath visit...jeez - I thought I was just going for a maintenance visit. Nope - it was worse than I thought....but thoroughly satisfying to here my pelvis, my middle and upper spine and the top of my neck cracking back into alignment. I think a second visit next week though.

Thursday - Year 11 leavers assembly in the morning. Lots of tears. Apologies from kids to members of staff that they have tormented for 5 years "Miss, we're so sorry, we've been such cows to you". Prom in the evening - nice meal, gorgeous dresses, dancing. And a plan for wedding dress based on one of the dresses that the girls were wearing!

Friday - today - didn't drink last night, but woke up with a hangover this morning - WTF????
Busy day at work. circular arguments with kids...who don't understand that they don't need to ask WHY, they just need to do as they are told. Been called pathetic by one young man...which is fine, because I know what's coming his way next week! We're "too strict" at our school according to him (he joined us as a senior student - Year 10 - 6 weeks ago, from another school in a different borough) -and because we are strict (i.e. we expect children to do what they are asked and follow the rules) then we are all pathetic. New school anyone????? Strange goings on after work which fortunately I missed.

Wedding dress is possibly going to be made for me - a colleague at work is a fantastic seamstress, so we are going looking at patterns and materials in half term ...but I have a really clear idea for a design in my head now, which is great - and some flexibility if my friend is going to make it for me, in terms of colour, material etc etc. Makes up for the disappointment of dress shopping on Tuesday.

The sky my dad's this afternoon - on the way, james and I stopped at the shop and the sky was turning gunmetal head was pounding and I told James there would be a thunderstorm soon. Got to Dads five minutes later, and the first roll of thunder rumbled and groaned across the sky. Fortunately, my camera was still in my bag as the clouds were just awesome - made me think of Ghostbusters!!!

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