A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

Farewell - fly - be free!

Tomorrow is the day my Year 11's leave. I will genuinely be sad to see them go - particularly my Friday ICT group, my Eid committee and my mentoring group - you all know who you are.

Its difficult to know what to do or say when a group of kids who you respect and who you have worked so hard with are going to leave and most likely, apart from results day, you will not see them again. This Year 11 group are significant for me because they are the first year group at this school that I have "seen through" from when they were whippersnappers in Year 7 - all fresh faced and keen - to now, Year 11 - cynical, argumentative, frustrating but usually a great bunch of young people.

So I'm going to give them a copy of Desiderata by Max Ehrmann - beautiful and poignant piece of writing which I was given when I left school 20 years ago. I still remember my leavers day and this piece of prose/poetry struck a chord with me, and continues to do so.

As for "Words of Wisdom from the "old lady"" - thats my personal message to them, and the "old lady" bit is for Aimee!

If you're reading this, cherubs (!) - I'm really proud of you all and the way you have grown up and contributed to our school and community so much this year (yes Dale, that means you too!)

If I cry, its just cos I'm tired!!!!


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