River of Flowers

By doffy

Wednesday: Buff Tailed Bumblebee

Very lazy morning.
MrD on deliveries all day.
Used a colander full of windfall Bramley cooking apples and some shop bought plums to make compote - kept all the peelings, cores and bruised bits of apple for the blackbirds, thrown under the trees along with some grass mowings they love scratching around and squabbling over anything they find :-))
Mulched Deep Bed 1 behind the greenhouse with grass mowings too. The blackbirds have a mound of fresh compost here too that they scratch around in - keeps them away from my courgette, runner beans and kale in one of the deep beds!
Today’s Blip: beautiful buff tailed bumblebee on Francoa sonchifolia - Bridalwreath plant, orange calendula and white one, dwarf green French beans - purple ones a bit slower but have flowers, huge daisies and a white scabious.
Stay safe & healthy & happy everyone :-)
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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