1988 Saturday — Expecting
(back blipped on Tuesday July 26, 2022)
This Santana tandem bicycle became a main feature in our lives during the summer of 1984 when we purchased it brand new from Bud’s Bicycle Shop in Claremont, CA.
Every Saturday morning we’d slide out of bed as early as possible, put on our Lycra cycling outfits and we’d roll from our front door on city streets to the western edge of our city to get onto the Santa Ana River Bicycle Trail and ride all the way to Huntington Beach, approximately 37.5 miles. We’d ride into downtown Huntington to have breakfast at a place called “The Shed,” and then we ride east toward home. It was an adventure that consumed most of our day. It also cleared our minds of stress and our bodies of tension. I was 3 1/2 years into my college studies that ultimately became a 6 year journey that culminated in earning a Master’s Degree and then a full time career as a college professor. Pedaling was a great break from the adult duties of life.
On this particular Saturday, we were not exiting as early. Our daughter stopped to see us as we were leaving. She was nine months pregnant and we were all anticipating the arrival of a baby; our very first grandchild. (We now know that 2 days later Ashly Nicole would make her entrance.)
This photo now is a very fun and meaningful memory.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
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