1988 Monday -- Rosie & Mr. Fun -- New Grandparents
(Back Blipped on 02/06/2017)
This photo was captured on the evening of September 19th, 1988, when we were getting to hold our first grandchild, Ashly Nicole. Our daughter had given birth earlier that day. We were absolutely delighted. Our world turned right-side up at that moment .
I was 38 years old and Mr. Fun was 42 -- too young it seemed to be grandparents, but I don't know that a grandparent "age" has ever been determined. What we did know that day was that we had had our two babies probably 20 years too early. Our first child, a son, was born on my 16th birthday in 1965, and we were entirely too young in '65 to know how to parent. So entering the world of grand parenting ushered us into an entirely new world of "delight."
We took care of Ash a lot for our daughter and son-in-law, so when we'd go somewhere, to a restaurant or a store, we were always asked about our baby. People did not realize that she was our granddaughter unless we told them.
At that point in my life I was just stepping into my upper division college work as a re-entry student at California State University at San Bernardino, majoring in English. I had dropped out of high school at the end of my sophomore year when I was 15 to marry Mr. Fun.
This photo brings good good memories,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
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