A red-bellied day!

Much to my delight, two RBWs landed on the tree stump at the same time. That has never happened before. I think the one in the foreground is a female because she has a grey "cap," but I'm really not positive.

This was a beautiful day for a walk in the park, cool but with bright sunshine. Unfortunately, the brightness didn't do my eyes any favor. Both were tearing and blurring, and the prescription in my glasses is not "right" for either eye now, so I will be getting new glasses after the second surgery is done and healed. Hopefully then I will not need glasses for distance vision. In the meantime, things are still a little blurry. I'm not complaining, just explaining!

Still, it was beautiful in the park today, and I met up with some friends, blipped a "twofer", and got some exercise, so all is well.

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