Friday: Outdoor Courtyards

We had a very excited call from our catsitter this afternoon, asking if she could pop round after work - naturally we said yes.  She said she couldn't tell us what it was about as it would ruin the surprise.  So, at 1630, she pitched up - and was so excited because she had found a lemongrass plant for us!  We had been bemoaning not being get the ingredients we need for Asian cooking, so she was really excited, and so were we need to make sure we don't kill it!

Out to our favourite jazz bar tonight where it was definitely nice enough to sit out in the courtyard all evening.  This is rapidly becoming our favourite venue to sit and have a drink.  Over dinner, K. and I got into a very animated discussion over modern fiction vs Ethiopian jazz.....if any  of you can support me in my love of Ethiopian jazz, I would be very happy - I am less keen on modern fiction....


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