At The Allotments

Went up to the Craigentinny-Telferton Allotments Open Day. A great afternoon, wandering across the site and chatting with a few of the allotment holders. The allotments are one hundred years old next year and were originally for workers at the Portobello power station. The land got sold off after the power station was demolished but the allotments remained. Several different property developers have tried and failed to get planning permission and it is now protected green space on the council plans so it should be impossible to build on. At some point the builders who currently own it might recognise that the land is effectively worthless to them and sell it to the allotment holders. Sounds like a case for a community buy-out. I took pictures of some of the people (see extras), including our neighbours across the street, whose allotment includes a greenhouse made from glass that came from the old power station's control room. They only recently took over the allotment and have already done a great job of bringing it back to life, including repairing the greenhouse. Over on the far side I met my friend S with her family and took this picture of her with her little one. Dad was over my shoulder to attract R's attention and make her smile!

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