
By cj308

A room with a view

Having a night in tonight, as much as I'd loved to have went and seen James Grant tonight, after the last two nights gigs, I am knackered.

Bit of a sore head tonight, which is being cured by a glass of J.D. & coke and I have a waterlogged ear after swimming.

Saturday should be pretty hectic, quick visit down town, golfing in the afternoon, already have the notion for a nice cold lager to ease in the evening, I'll more than likely be sleeping for 5.

Hectic time at work, trying to cram in as many hours without burning myself out, it's a fine balancing act, really looking forward to next weekend and a good few days off just relaxing.

(I also intend to catch up on my Blip posts/comments)

Heres a bit of James Grant from a great tv show a good few years ago called Transatlantic Sessions. I'd highly recommend trying to find the two albums they released of this season of the show, there are some fantastic collaborations on it.

Enjoy the weekend, I know I will :)

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