Celebrity Wedding Invite
....yet again! This summer is seriously booking up fast! Ok no not really.
I've been sitting on this invite for ages and have to reply by the end of April. I am going to write a card to say yes. It is in summer and I suspect it will be the only wedding I attend this year. The last time I saw the person who is getting married they were still a child- how time flies.
I am writing a card for 3 reasons 2 of which are entirely selfish reasons (as Mr H told me that his Mother who plans to attend will let the family know we are attending by phone).
Reason 1 is that I reckon it is always nice to receive a formal wedding acceptance card thanking the people who are forking out for the do!
2nd reason is that I will use a card with one of my photos on it to advertise the fact I have some attempt at arty photos for sale online...it is of course very likely the recipients may not see this as it is only mentioned on the back of the card and they may not recognise my formal name...but then it is not appropriate to draw attention to this in a formal acceptance card so I guess I can't.
My final most selfish reason is that the invite came to me and Mr H addressing both of us by his surname. When I got married I kept my maiden name in every aspect of life. I have an unusualish surname and I like it. I signed my marriage certificate with my maiden name and didn't tell my bank I'd got married till about 4 years in. At Christmas when the cards come flooding in they are usually addressed to Mr H and myself using our respective surnames. This happens in all cases except for 2...my Auntie and Mr. H's best friend (and fellow blipper). I find it amusing. I went to a wedding once where what to call me had caused a commotion and on the seating list everyone was called by both first name and surname....I was called purely by my first name and smiled when I saw this....for all the other guests knew I was an assistance dog......I rather liked that thought :-)
At the last wedding I attended I was called by my shortened first name and a slang surname I made up for myself on facebook- it was hilarious seeing this printed on a place seating card at a very posh venue. I wonder when I subtlety reiterate my surname (just by signing off the acceptance card using it) this will have an affect on my name place card or whether I will still be called by a different name which isn't mine....it will be interesting to see..... :-)
Regardless...it is time to order another Philip Stark Alessi juicer....the wedding gift of the gods!!! :-D
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