Northern Star

By Lifferz

Smash-tastic motivation

People who have completed a thesis before tell me that at this stage you need to reward yourself with little treats.... I'm not into chocolate, don't like desserts too frequently, have most of the 'treats' in life that I want. I am also vowing not to buy any new clothes for a year. I had a really good think and decided that a treat for me would be some Thai red bull. When I was in Thailand many moons ago I quite liked this stuff but swore I wouldn't touch it again as it was highly sugary....syrupy even.....and I didn't really know what was in it. A friend recently gave me a bottle and I enjoyed it so I thought what the hey and ordered some of the T' internet.....oh dear!
I ordered 20 bottles (20 treats for 20 different days) they arrived today in a FAR FAR FAR TOOOOO MASSSIVE cardboard box labelled frozen shrimp. Inside they were wrapped in some Thai newspaper I use the word 'some' padding, foam or bubble wrap. Bravo...very environmentally friendly....this packaging method had been executed at the expense of 3 of the bottles. Yes I cut myself despite being careful as I tried to tidy up.....Oh well... 17 treats and counting...should see me into July!

On the upside a wonderful lady was really helpful to me today....completely selfless...offerring to use her time ( a good hour) to help me out with a task. I didn't ask for help, or look needy and I felt a bit bad for accepting the offer as I am sure she was busy with other stuff BUT it restored my faith a bit. Funny how these sort of things can happen when they are most needed! :-)

My no new clothes for a year vow

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