Iain came for tea

Iain is one of my most favourite people in the whole wide world and he popped round for tea today. I am one of Iain's favourite little doggies so he invited me up onto the sofa for a cuddle. Yay! I'm not normally allowed on the sofa.

This morning we trekked around town for more than 2 hours looking for 'giraffes' because that is our latest project and you all know how my owner loves her little projects. #GiraffeAboutTown We found 11 giraffes and as a bonus I found a manky old rubber bone which I obviously carried all the way home and then was very keen to show Iain.

Ann & Iain had Roast Chicken for tea. Roast Chicken is very scrummy, yummy. I know because I got some little titbits. Yum, yum, yum.

Lovely to see you Iain. xx

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