Just the Withers......

By JaneW

New box !!

We seem to be acquiring many boxes …
So Derek and Mark have left the building .. they didn’t look back - fickle !! I’ve already received photo evidence of them ‘not giving a toss’ … took all of 25 minutes for Mark to absolutely take over .

Then the most wonderful young lady came to see Arizona and Callie , her mum came with her and literally ( you could see ) the moment Odette ( for that is the young ladies name ) clapped eyes on C & A she was smitten . Reserved . She will collect them Wednesday evening. It’s all going swimmingly.
Now just to find the perfect home for Addison and Jackson , they will NOT be split up .

Addison is making a half hearted attempt at running a fire department. So far she’s rolled in cat nip and fallen off a scratch post .

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