The Great Pond

I cycled over the common today, and took some different paths, ending up by the Great Pond. It's rather lovely there.

Other than that it's been a quiet day. I needed to practise clarinet but I'm not loving it right now, and that means I'm making more mistakes and biting the mouthpiece (which stops the notes from sounding). It feels a bit discouraging and I'm thinking of taking a break from it. I have to give four weeks notice to my music school if I'm stopping.

I could also do with getting back to some German. I haven't heard from my tandem partner Heidi in over a week now, not since she said she had covid. I miss her, but I need to get practising so that when we meet again I am able to say anything!

At least it's lovely and cool now. I don't think I've ever appreciated coolness as much as after that heatwave!

And I'm enjoying the new shower too.

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