“A pair of scissors . . .

. . . is a wonderful instrument”.

This morning we went to an exhibition at Rheged : Matisse and Contemporary Paper Artists. An excellent exhibition, first rate in both content and display. And great value for money at £3. 

The exhibition starts with a collection, on loan from the Hayward Gallery, of cut-out work that Matisse did in the last few years of his life when he could no longer paint, but discovered the joy of cutting out - the title quote is his. Some really interesting work (see extra) and nice to read about how much joy he got from cutting out shapes. 

Then comes a fascinating exhibition of the history of paper-making in Cumbria. The focus was on Croppers and especially on some of the innovative work now being carried out there, but I had not realised that there were once many paper mills throughout the county. 

Then there is a large gallery of work by contemporary paper artists - absolutely amazing. My blip is Heron by Lisa Lloyd - a 3-dimensional work made using multiple strips of paper to create the movement and elegance of a heron. A stunning piece of work that I kept returning to. 

A wonderful exhibition - professionally put together, lots of space and even an activity table where you can play with paper, something for everyone. Anyone who can get to it should do - you won’t be disappointed. I will return before it finishes in September. 

And we had  a delicious brunch - such good food at Rheged. 

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