Glimpses of Me

By mimi128

Aaaannnddd... ACTION!

gliding down the runway

... or swimway?!?..

Yey! Happy days!!!

Took laundry out to dry and then after lunch, got a lift off Mr M (on his way to work) to drop me off The Moorings at Swinton Bridge where a part of River Don flows..
Well, I saw a couple of swans.. The one shown here is the female one - I shall call her Sally. I think she's the female coz her significant other, who I'll call Harry, is quite bigger than her. And he's nesting. (Apparently, male and female swans share the care of the nest -- so he's probably giving her some time off!) So yey! Hopefully, I was told by a kindly gentleman who worked near the river named Bob, that in 3-4 weeks time, there'll be three baby cygnets swimming with Harry and Sally.. Tried to take a shot of Harry but it came out blurry. Sally was a bit shy at first, but she's actually a show-off. While watching her, there was also a couple of pigeons larking on the side as seen here.. Can't tell if they were lovers or fighters tho.

Back to my life:
Flight to go home to Philippines to visit family is already confirmed.. We already have ticket numbers!!! And then my sister has offered to buy us another set of plane tickets from Manila to my (deceased) dad's province.. The last time we went home was for his funeral - 2011! Hurrah to great sisters!
And there's more.. I told my sister about Blipfoto and she told me to make a portfolio. Well, I told her only full members can make one here so she said, she'll sponsor me! So there'll now be an "m" next to my display name! You can now see my photos in LARGE! Yey!

Happy days are here again
The skies above are clear again
So let's sing a song of cheer again
Happy days are here again!

Plus, it's Friday!
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

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