Over the Horizon

By overthehorizon

Catching up

I woke up feeling pretty wretched this morning....too many mint mojitos and the horrible idea of brandy shots at Nick and Vanessa's. But, perhaps excess can be good for no other reason than to balance us back to moderation. To remind us, 'thats why I don't do that'...

A slow morning, cleaning up, and walking downtown to meet my friend Maria for lunch. Wednesdays the farmers market is open and of course, I couldn't help perusing the aisles. Maria is a good friend from my advisors lab. She is an older, nontraditional student with an interesting background and extremely eclectic personality. She has always been someone to talk about real things with, matters of the soul and the heart. As am I that person for her, and so we spent many long hours laughing and catching up. Philosophizing on the great mystery and where our separate paths are taking us and the people we want to be. Always food for thought and a reaffirmation of our....common humanity.

I snapped these gorgeous greens at the farmers market. Just screaming fresh and tasty...

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