
By DramaQueen


I was working back in surgery today….I LOVED it!!

One of our nurses is off at the moment (she’s had sepsis) and Janine has been off for her birthday, so rather than cancel the clinic, I stepped in.

I was working with our dental therapist and it was a nice break from the mayhem of reception. As much as I love Linda, she stresses me out with her chaos and mess. I did tell her as much and she agreed 100%.

I hoped that it wouldn’t be awkward for Emily having me assisting her; being more experienced and now also being her manager. I told her while I’m in there, I work for her, so not to feel like she can’t say if she wants me to do something differently.
We all work differently.

She was fine with that and on the last patient of the day (who had a broken tooth), she actually asked how I would approach fixing it. I offered a suggestion and it worked (of course!) but I was more pleased that we’d problem solved together. She told the patient that I was also a therapist and I added ‘retired’.

I’m working with her again on Monday and with our hygienist on Friday, but will hopefully be back in my office again after that ;-)

DQ x

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