Sidewalk shadows

I wasn't looking forward to going for a blood test this morning because the lab's on reduced hours and apparently has been very busy. It wasn't, thank goodness. I learned the correct term for technicians who draw blood:
Phlebotomists, or phlebotomy technicians
I would just have written "lab technician" but decided to look it up.
The phlebotomist who drew vials of my blood this morning was hilarious! We both had tears running down our cheeks from laughing, such a fun interaction. Made my day. 
I picked up a few groceries then got out of town as quickly as possible. Too hot, too many people. 
I did a few little jobs then enjoyed a late lunch sitting in the garden. Very pleasant temperature here, and I can't help but empathize with people in those countries that are experiencing extreme heat. Hope all blippers who live there are finding ways to stay cool.

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