
This wee lad is not really as solemn as he appears here. He is busy counting his 'hot chips' to see if there are enough to make him feel better after his wee dunking in the duck pond (see Kiwilizzie's blip). This is taken after the ice-cream and hot chocolate - there are great restorative powers in ice-cream and hot chips!

He certainly had a fright when he decided to run across the 'grass' only to find it was water covered in duck weed. Although he was never at any huge risk - the pond is much shallower than he is tall - he was understandably frightened and panicking.

As soon as we saw what was happening both Kiwilizzie and I rushed for him. In that second you have before the action occurs I was assessing whether to go over or under the bridge railing. I chose over (as there is a wire strung between the railing and the planking that doesn't really show in Kiwilizzie's photo). Fortunately before I'd fully committed to jump across, his hands came up and we were able to each get a hold on him and lift him out.

I ditched my camera and cellphone on the way - I'm not sure where but Liz kindly rescued them for me after we had rescued the lad. And she donated her fleece to the cause once we'd rapidly stripped him. I was going to rug him in my jacket but her fleece was definitely softer and warmer for him.

Now he, all his clothes, Liz's fleece and everything I was wearing reek of duck weed and other such lovelies. His poor Mum has the unenviable job of trying to make his jacket and shoes re-usable. Sorry about that Sarah!

Anyway - he is reassured and I hope it's only Liz and I who will have recurring nightmares about duck weed. Though he will certainly avoid the 'green river' (as he is now calling it) for a long time to come.

NOTE: Willowbank DID have it well signposted that children might mistake the weed for grass, I just didn't think to point it out to Sebastian as he was so confident about where he was going and what he was seeing. He was telling us all about everything and showing us how to open the gates and where to cross the bridges. He so clearly knew where he was that I assumed he knew about the duck weed too. I have had a clear reminder to NEVER assume anything - especially with a precious three year old in tow.

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