Journey Through Time

By Sue

Townsend's Solitaire

It's interesting that when a person starts to pay attention to the backyard birds and the same ones are there all the time then you notice when a new visitor shows up. This bird was at the water fountain and I thought...what is THAT! He was nice to sit on a branch for me to get a halfway decent image of him...and after thumbing through the bird book....voila! Townsend's Solitaire it is. This is not a "backyard" bird as it probably won't go to the feeders...but all our water features attract several migratory birds. I've been wanting to get a photo of the male Yellow-Rumped Warbler as they have been hanging around for awhile, but nobody will cooperate with me, so I am thrilled that I spotted somebody new to the neighborhood.

Another warm spring day...76 degrees!

Catch ya later...

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