Keep the platform tidy!

Drizzling rain when I left Edinburgh for a very grey day in Gateshead, but it had all brightened up remarkably by the time I got back. I found that my mental state was just right for robotic checking of exam papers, but my biro ran out of ink just before Berwick. How very dare it? OK, it was a freebie from the HEA about two years ago, but even so.....

So I found that the train had stopped in Berwick station and I was looking at an antique watering facility. I don't think that this one was intended for ye dogs though, unless they were on their hind legs.

I had been hoping, a little further down the line from this, for a blip of youngie hurtling down the other line towards Newcastle. I think I did manage to snap his train, but moving so fast that it was only a blur!

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