I’d Like a Drink Too

Slept in til 8:00. Hubby was heading to clean the highway with his KofC friends when I got up. Before breakfast in the gazebo, I grabbed this photo, a scene hubby noticed yesterday. This hollyhock must be thirsty as it wound its way around the fountain on the patio so the flower was by the the water. I added a close up of the delicate blooms in the bottom left. Hubby went to urgent care after his task was finished. We had tried to remove the detached cap off his hearing aid but it just kept going in deeper into his ear. I finally convinced him to let the professionals with the proper instruments take care of it. It took them about minute to remove the cap but required two people. Thanks to all who may have prayed for the special intention earlier. Prayers were answered today. Hubby is out cutting grass and I spent the day ironing. Glad to get those jobs done. We’ll go to 5:00 Mass and come home to eat dinner - meatloaf, etc. Terrible incident in our town last night. Teenagers from two gangs got into an altercation at our fire department carnival. One died and another is in the hospital. The suspect is in jail. Thankfully, three of my grands had left the carnival before the incident occurred. Such scary times. Stay safe folks. Tomorrow is a new day; hopefully the first part of a wonderful weekend for all. Thanks for the visit. “It’s good to leave each day behind, like flowing water, free of sadness. Yesterday is gone and its tale told.” – Rumi

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