Gallai hwn fod y tro olaf

Gallai hwn fod y tro olaf ~ This could be the last time

“In rivers, the water that you touch is the last of what has passed and the first of that which comes; so with present time.”
—Leonardo da Vinci

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Aethon ni ar y bws i Amroth i gerdded yn ôl ar hyd y traeth i Lanusyllt. Rydyn ni wedi mwynhau'r daith cerdded hon o'r blaen. Rydyn ni bob amser yn gwerthfawrogi'r ddaeareg, y ffordd mae'r graig wedi cael ei phlygu gan rymoedd mawr dros amser.

Roedd y daith yn anodd dros greigiau anwastad mewn tywydd poeth iawn. Arhoson ni yn Pont-Yr-Ŵr am rywbeth i yfed a'r cyfle i oeri cyn parhau i Lanusyllt i ffeindio rhywbeth o fwyta.

Roedd Nor'dzin yn sylw efallai na fyddwn byth yn gwneud y daith hon eto. Rydyn ni'n dod yn rhy hen i sgramblo dros y creigiau nawr. Mae'n eithaf peryglus i ni a dweud y gwir.

Yn ddiddorol doeddwn ni ddim yn teimlo synnwyr o golled am y diwedd o'r cyfnod hwn o fywyd. Mae'n ddim ond rhan o fywyd. Mae mwy o anturiaethau i ddod.

Ond roedden ni'n hapus i fod wedi ei wneud yr un tro olaf

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We took the bus to Amroth to walk back along the beach to Saundersfoot. We have enjoyed this walk before. We always appreciate the geology, the way the rock has been bent by great forces over time.

The journey was difficult over uneven rocks in very hot weather. We stopped at Wiseman's Bridge for something to drink and the chance to cool off before continuing to Lanusyllt to find something to eat.

Nor'dzin commented that we might never do this trip again. We are getting too old to scramble over the rocks now. It's quite dangerous for us to be honest.

Interestingly we did not feel a sense of loss for the end of this period of life. It's just part of life. There are more adventures to come.

But we were happy to have done it one last time

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