Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Traipse in the mini woods ...

Well where shall I start ??
Ok it's going to be a list as today was busy..
1.walk dogs ..
2.home and have coffee and a sit down with Mr W .
3.walk down to visit uncle Bob and I go via Shottery ( Anne Hathaways house) ..on the way I walk through a teeny tiny section of woodland with a little stream and ducks and it clearly states that only guide dogs and 'hearing dogs' .. Perfect if anyone shouts to me I pretend I won't be able to hear them ! I know I know I am a terrible person but I wanted photos of the flowers .. Sadie can't lie as she does not speak human.
4. Arrive at Bobs flat and we have a coffee with my mum and a chat ...
5.Mr W collects us .. As I'm me and Sadie ..
6.Aliens invade my body .. I make an evening meal ready to re heat later ..
7.THEN I make a coconut milk cake in my bundt tin and I won't lie to you it was bloody lovely ..
8.THEN I made fairy cakes .. Tested two .. Decorated them and gave some to Riley next door as it is his birthday .
9.walk dogs again ..
10.collect Eve from the bus ..
11.panic phone call from Zoe .. Jake needs to be seen by the doctors .. She has no car .off I go to collect them telephoning Tits McGee to come here and wait for my shopping delivery and look after Eve ..
Poor Jake has the most EVIL case of chicken pox .. Even the doctor was shocked .. They can not seem to get his temperature down and he went a bit floppy ..
Upshot is they are at home but if at any time his temperature gets higher then they are to call an ambulance ..
12.home and I then feed tits children as they had to leave their tea so they ate some of Mr W ;)

So there you have it ...

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