Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Just a small snack.....

It's Wednesday,and you know what Wednesday means.... it means its Mum and I 'snack' day...........Last night I had a terrible headache and could only dream of a chocolate éclair...well guess what ... I took Mum to the shops to buy her heavy stuff (Mum does not drive any more and Dad still works so is not home in the day) and she brought us some éclairs :D AND we had the scones I made yesterday.. then Mr W made us some cheese toasties..... then we had a sit down and a scone.. then we had a snooze and then we had a sit down and a scone..... I am shattered.Sadly Mum and I only had one and half éclairs as Mr W stole one !!!!!!!!

The blip is of my spoons Zoe brought me as a little gifty ... why they would have cakes on and it made her think of me I have NO idea ;) I also have no idea why I am not a weeble*.

*weebles... fat roly poly toy's that do not fall down.

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