The Rain is Back Again

After a lovely sunny and warmish morning we got some rain later in the afternoon. 

I was really bad again with my choking problems. Yesterday I thought I may have been improving. Sadly this morning after I had a small banana it was really bad. I rang the hospital and was told to go back to AE. I had an appointment to get my hair done at 9:30 am so had to cancel it.. Sadly. 

I got to see a gasto doctor who was really good at looking into my case. Said I was hydrated so at this stage don't need to be admitted into hospital. They don't think the results from Mondays tests are causing my problem.. There is something esle going on. He spoke to the specialist and decided to do the endoscop and take samples and also try and stretch the Oesophagus seeing it isn't working as it should. There is one more test they can do but there is a very long wait to have it done. So will do that if they don't have success with the first one. The doctor said he tried to get the endoscop done as soon as possible but it can't be done until Friday week. 

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