
By DramaQueen

Tiny Tuesday

Another busy, but productive day today.

Plus, I’ve got my first assignment for my management course!
A 1000 word essay on various elements of staff meetings. Sounds thrilling.

The suggested time to spend on this is 9 hours; with a submission date of January. Really?!
I’m hoping to have it done and sent while Mr A is working away on Sunday.

I had a chat with my tutor and she’s said given my background, I may not have to attend the online classes, but am free to do so if I want to. My course runs alongside the apprenticeship programme, so all the lessons are targeted more towards their learning schedule than my diploma course.
However, there are a couple of diploma only modules towards the end of the course.

Each module is a pass or fail and can be submitted however many times you need to get the pass (hopefully first time, every time for me!) but she did say if you meet all the required elements of each assignment, you can get a ‘good pass’ rather than a standard one and she will tell me if I’m not too wide of the mark so that I can tweak and resubmit if needed.

I’ve had a quick look at the first assignment and it is broken into segments, stating what they’re looking for and the maximum points for each segment, so at least I know what they’re looking for in my answers.
Fingers crossed I get it right! ;-)

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