To the wire!

Was plootering away with my work when the doorbell went. It plays OH Susannah and sends the dogs nuts! Anyhows it was the blipper from up the lane asking is I wanted to go with her to the piggery. (when living in Argyll you take any entertainment you can get & that includes piggeries!) Off we trachelled in her buggy uphill & downdale over lumps, humps & bumps! Finally got there and the bloody Heavens opened!
Anyhows the intrepid pair that we were set off in search of this once grand statley home for piggies & I have to say the stonework glistened in the rain and the stream that ran through it was just sublime.
It may have been a swine of a place to get to but it certainly didnt boar us when we got there rain or no rain.! In pig parlance in 1800 this was the pig equivilant of the present day penthouse. Running water en tap and my hobbit friend told me that the leftover food could be delivered straight to the pighouse from the main house by lifting a big stone in the kitchen as the stream ran through it, they chucked the scran into the fast flowing stream and hey presto into the piggy palace, then the same stream carried all the piggy crap out and into the fields..... Genius!
We then rushed back as I had a doctors appintment which I just made. Talk about taking things to the wire! so thats why todays pic is a wirey cow! Those wishing to see the pig palace can find it under sceanery on my blipfolio
Happy blipping all

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