Flowers, Bees and Butterflies

After breakfast, we ordered our Euros from our bank. Should be here in two days. We won’t have better weather than today before our trip. Rather than pack, I decided to tackle more weeding. Hubby followed with bags of mulch. We sure improved several gardens today. I watched for butterflies and bees to feature in my blip as we moved along. Boy are they elusive critters. Some I just gave up on until a future date. We have tons of different bees, large bumbles to the tiniest unknown “brand.” There were several varieties of butterflies as well. Gardening is a lot of continual labor but when I see the fresh veggies; beautiful flowers, trees and shrubs that attract beautiful insects and birds throughout the property, it is well worth it. Plus it is good exercise. We showered, had lunch and I headed out to look for a few more odds and ends for the trip. I’m having a heck of a time with my carry on. Depending where you look on line, you get different max size info. And of the three “carry on” bags I have, each of them has one dimension out of spec. Sites say our carrier is a stickler for correct size. Plus we cannot get definitive info on who needs our vaccine records and when. Some sites say we have to send it to the air carrier we’re using but we also found that Germany has lifted all vaccine requirements. Makes my head hurt. We keep saying in a month we will be back and chillin’ in WV. I bought a rotisserie chicken for dinner which will be easy. No news today. Thanks for stopping by and leaving stars and comments. Stay safe folks. Hope your day was less stressful. “Gardening adds years to your life and life to your years”. – Unknown

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