Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Jack Fruit

Thanks for all the good wishes for my birthday yesterday, they were very much appreciated. I had a lovely day.
This morning we went into Stockbridge, me to mooch around while C went for a hair cut. I could hardly believe my eyes when I spotted these jackfruit outside the greengrocers. I don't think I've ever seen them out of India before. They're a deliciously sweet fruit when ripe and they are eaten raw or they can be cooked in savoury dishes. I've no idea what these weigh, but they are solidly packed in segments within their coarse skin. I've left the water melons in shot behind to give an idea of size. (they are 18" to 24" long).
I dropped Colin off at home and popped over to Corstorphine then Gorgie for a while. I discovered there is a 12 Triangles bakery/cafe in Dalry Road. They do seem to be exanding at the moment. I tested it out!
I got home just after my sister arrived from Leeds. She's off up north for a few days before coming back to Edinburgh for the wedding bash next weekend. Nice to see her and not just because she brought me a birthday present, lol.
We went out for dinner to the pub in D'mains which has a large Beer garden, which was hooching! I couldn't believe we were in a crowded beer garden in Scotland, in the evening, what is the world coming to?

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