A Quiet Place Part II

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

No headaches today, just tender heads for me and Caro. 

We decided to be nice to ourselves and have another day of murder mysteries and not much else. 

The most active we got was to rescue a medium-sized hedgehog we found running around our garden this morning. He seemed to be panicking, running this way and that. 

Caro pondered if his hedgehog-nest had been destroyed in high winds and he was unsure what to do. 

He was not small enough to rescue, but we put him in an low-sided cardboard box in our garage with food and water. We figured he could rest up and then leave whenever he wanted. 

Several hours later, Caro found the box empty and tidied it up. It was then she noticed the hedgehog sitting in a corner, watching the proceedings. So she put him outside with a few cat biscuits. 

He ignored the biscuits. And came back inside. 

She put him out again. And he did the same again.

So we may have a new resident of our garage. Caro has re-made his cardboard box house for him and we are just waiting to see if he has decided to make this his winter home or not. 


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