Meet Chester Chipmunk

Yeah, we hung out for a while... great buds now.

I took a walk at the edge of the lake looking for the ducks. Since they hear me before I see them, it's a loosing battle. But all was not lost, I heard a bit of crunching and something darted along side of me. This little guy got a few yards in front of me and turned on a dime to study me. He let me approach some, but vanished up a tree. I had gotten a few decent shots and was happy enough. Then he reappeared on a low branch (eye-level with me). Cool! He let me get closer and I'm firing away. Hmmm, what's this FUL I'm seeing in my view finder... NOOOO! I didn't delete the last session and I have a full card. Damn RAW files...

Well, I just asked Chester (first name basis now) to wait right there while I delete a few dozen and reduce to jpg. He's so obliging and just watched me fumble around with my camera for ages. Okay, back in business. Click, click, click and closer, closer closer. He moved once, to hide from me after I got too close (2 feet), but remained long enough for me to get few more of him peeking around the tree. Go ahead and get up-close and personal with Chester, he likes that.

We parted ways and I got a nice shot of the receding ice on the lake and surprised the elusive dark-eyed junco. (Flighty, speedy little things.)

All and all a pretty good photo hike. Oh, and did you notice, the snow melted and the sun came out. That didn't hurt either. :))

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