"Excuse Me, Are Those Needles?"

 "Isn't it bad enough that we're back at the Vet?  Do we have to do something with needles too?"

Poor Lizzie.  She got an insulin shot, a rabies shot and a Feline Respiratory Combo Vaccination.  I'm not sure she appreciated the fact that by doing two of those shots today it means she doesn't have to come back next month.  The insulin will be a twice daily shot but it's such a small amount and I can give her the shot so efficiently (if do say so myself) that she doesn't even know it happened.  I'm hoping after a few months of treatment she'll go into remission again.  

I was delighted to see that The Handsome Neighbor came to the door for treats today, but my happiness was short-lived.  I took a couple of pictures of him but realized he looked so bad that I deleted them.  I fear he has owners who aren't taking him to a vet.  They may just be letting "nature take its course" and all the cat owners out there know what that means.  I feel helpless to do anything for him.  

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