The Farmers Market

Which is held on the first and third Wednesdays of the month. It’s held in the pub car park and is twice the size shown as the other half is under cover. Not very big, but adequate. 

I had an appointment for blood tests at the surgery this morning, at long last, it has been postponed once with a two week delay. I cannot get an appointment to see the GP until that’s done. We headed out to do that first, then headed for the market. I got some veg that was missing from the supermarket delivery last week. 

Amber was with us and had a walk on her lead to help with her socialisation. She get lots of admiration and is still a bit unsure of strangers, after the long periods of lockdown. 

Then on to the Coop to post a parcel containing the World map throw and card for Max’s birthday. Also to buy some odds and ends. I was surprised at the increase in the cost of milk, 2 pints used to cost 89p and is now £1.30. At that price I need to make sure that I’m getting containers that have the longest shelf life possible, as often there is only 3 or 4 days life on it and it goes off!!! 

The final visit was to the vets to collect flea and worm tablets for Amber. She didn’t need to be seen and was happy to view the proceedings from the boot of the car. 

This was completed in less than an hour, so home to the usual routine of house jobs, the garden, sewing and tennis!!! What will I do next week when Wimbledon is finished 0:(

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