Another man at work!

There were problems with Sky service on the tv in my sewing room yesterday so we tried all the usual tricks, switch everything off, speak to it nicely, not so nicely etc. In the end B rang Sky and the engineer came out about lunchtime today. 

He was surprised that our kit was still working after 6 years, normal lifespan is 3 plus, so he changed the boxes. We had a nice chat, is it just me, but people seem so much more friendly, sociable, chatty…..these days. He happily agreed for me to get my blip.

The bad news is that we have lost all our old saved recordings …. not a problem for me, but the good news is that the new hand control has an additional button which if you press and hold it allows you to ask for what you want to see. The young man demonstrated by asking for Tom Hanks movies and there was a choice!!!!  This may not be new to many people, but it is to us!!! I'm now in charge of the remote!!! Himself is not going to sneakily change channels.

I grabbed a quick bite to eat before watching the zoom lecture from the Union Jack Club on Maj General James Wolfe, Quebec 1759 & The Fall of New France. Fascinating!!! We have visited Quebec, walked on the Plains of Abraham and visited the museum, so today’s information could be put into context.

It had just finished when the Tesco’s delivery arrived, 

Good timing, one event after another, most times things happen at the same time!!! 

I’m now watching the men’s doubles on tv. The rain in SW19 is hammering it down and under the roof the game goes on to entertain the very happy spectators. 

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