Somehow, despite setting an alarm and a back-up alarm (and getting up between the two) getting TallGirl to a 10am start at basketball camp was still a mad rush. Perhaps Mr B and I are taking the holiday vibe too seriously.
Well, all that will change tomorrow as Mr B is off to Scotland to sort something out with our house there and I am looking after a neighbour's kids so will have to be up and human-looking in good time.
A mostly gardening day today: Mr B had lots of admin to sort out so gave me the day off being a labourer. Off course I took that as opportunity to go and do lots of digging and lifting of heavy pots in the garden so am not really feeling the benefit of my 'day off'. But, I did manage to get the terrace steps all swept and cleaned (there was enough soil on them that whole colonies of worms had moved in) and the pots sorted into "growing something pretty", "growing something that's not quite grown yet" and "to clear out" sections. So now our terrace is looking a bit more elegant. There was also time to plant the rhubarb and melons from this morning's quick trip around the market, and to dig over TallGirl's garden and show her how to sow her carrots, lettuce and radishes. She is over the moon with it all; I was over the moon that when I told her I'd bought "two melons" at the market that her response was "I hope you mean plants?" rather than the actual fruit (which she loves). Already she is getting the message that some work now delivers more satisfying results later (of course from her point of view it's mostly me doing the work so is perhaps a neutral outcome with just buying fruit - but it's a start.)
In very exciting news some chilli seedlings have appeared. I do hope one of them is the wonderfully named "Ring of Fire".
The wisteria, by the way, is in next door's garden. Next door is deserted, so I'm sure it would be easy for me to nip over there and get some stems pegged down to take cuttings from. But then as it turns out, this stem is nearly in our garden so perhaps if I wait until autumn I won't even need to trespass.
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