A day of two halves. The morning spent shopping with Mr B for, firstly, prescriptions for me, which involved meeting the doctor in our practice I don't normally see who is a lot more thorough than the doctor I normally see. In a mere 10 minutes (that's a very short appointment here - the woman before me was in for 30 minutes) she took my address (which the other doctor had never felt relevant), changed one of my medications and asked me about my medical history - which again the other doctor hadn't thought relevant to my medical care.... Secondly, off to the builder's merchant to buy many different odds and ends, all of which had to be strapped to the roof. Happily, our former joiners/roofers were also in the car park and I like to think they looked a little chastened by our strapping joists and flooring onto our car for a job that they had quoted for and then stopped answering our calls about. But maybe they were just thinking about something else.
Off home then with our wobbly load of timber to put up some almost impossibly hard joists (we eventually decided scaffolding was better than ladders at tricky angles) before I was released from hard labour to look after all the small boys in the neighbourhood and then get on with the garden. Once the small boys were out of the house (we have a difficulty where two of the boys are not really allowed to play with each other, but CarbBoy is sort of friends with both - so more supervision from me was needed than normal to make sure there was no fighting) I could get on properly with the garden. So finally all the summer bulbs (bar two dahlias that I will find space for tomorrow) are planted. Including the montbretia that I thought I'd already planted (and were in fact labelled in the flower bed despite the bulbs being resolutely still in the bulb box).
Time then for a late evening stroll along the beds looking for things to photograph, including this anemone seedhead, looking rather warm and woolly.
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