Stop, you're under arrest

Early start, annoying given late night last night.

Massive amount of jobs completed by 10:00
then cooked a massive breakfast in a hope that it would keep munchie going.

left for Ross around 12, usual carnage when we dropped her at the dress reherasal, but at least we were ready for it this year.

walked around the garden center, drove up to Labels, went in a very odd shop!

picked munchie and O early, they had finished

home for half an hour and then she went swimming!

long day for Munchie

daddy and wom went to Truckfest
Wom had a fab time
wom on the massive slide
munchie ready for ballet
munchie and O on their way in
munchie and O both ready
wom and icecream
wom in the fun house

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