
Siv-Anita lived across the street where my grandparents lived and I played with her during summer holidays. She is now a singer and a teacher and lives in Trondheim. A lovely person as before :) When Adrian studied in Trondheim, I have met her a few times.
The reason for travelling to Trondheim from Røros, was to pick up the keys to Adrians appartment. He has rentet it out for a year and will rent it out for another year before selling it. Adrian doesn't know anybody in Trondheim any longer, after his studies.
I really hoped the appartment looked ok, as she was supposed to clean everything before leaving it. But no, some parts were incredible dirty, but the fridge and oven were clean. I had to start cleaning immediately, in 28 degrees. I had planned to stay over, but I didn't manage. So after a walk in Bymarka and a coffee and softice, I drove back to Røros, 160 km. I took photos of all the dirt and Adrian will take it up with the tenant.

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