End of June

A trip down to help the son clear out his bike workshop. He's thinking of using it more as an office space and sitting area. While along there I treated him to a feed. He detests the place but I told him they're doing more healthy food these days. I'm amused by their adverts, and have probably swallowed the lot.
Later, we met P&K for a guzzle at the Pizza Express in Queensferry street. Sheesh, I shared a bottle of white with P and she was ridiculously quick out the blocks squaffing it down. I had to order another couple of glasses when the main arrived. That found her out, ha. Still, great blethers as ever. 
And finally, the last episode of We Own This City which I've greatly enjoyed - apart for some parts which are too obviously tell, not show. The SK detested it, saying there was no one she liked in the entire show; they were all horrible people. Thinking back, I've no idea how she managed to watch the Rise of the Nazis on the Beeb. Maybe they weren't all bad.... ?

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