My favourite flower the Peony

The pink one is from my garden. They always get battered by the wind and rain, every year it happens and this year is no exception.

Shopping this morning at Tesco. I had a weird altercation with a baby boomer woman. S was printing off photos for my mum and I was wheeling the trolley, up at the chill aisle. The BB woman was at the McIntosh macaroni that my mum likes so I said excuse me to her . ‘Oh I was just looking at the prices’ says BB. Yes they have all gone up says I and turned to go on my way …. She then Sidles up to me and practically puts her face into mine and says ‘Nicola Sturgeon has blown up a power station’. ‘What’??? Says I. ‘Yes, and there was no need to do that’ says BB. ‘ Climate Change’ says I. ‘That’s not true, there isn’t such a thing, temperature change is cyclical says the knowitall BB. Hmmm, I’m not having this conversation with you says I, as I know it could deteriorate as I don’t like to give in to stupidity.

‘Well, 80% of the population is going to die anyway of natural causes (???) says BB ‘and this will die out soon’ . My mind was thinking this is a right fruit cake here!

‘These are dangerous thoughts, we can’t just do nothing, the change has to happen for our grandchildren else there will be nothing for them‘ says I. She waltzes off with a smug look on her face and scoffs. ‘It won’t affect me and I don’t really care’. But before she turned the corner I shouted to her ‘Well you don’t care because you are a selfish bitch!!! Luckily there was no one else in the aisle at that time - Good grief, not the type of conversation for 10am on a Tuesday morning! Why do I attract these nutters!!

It has rained most of today. The garden has had a good watering. A sparrowhawk sat on my fence at tea time looking for a tasty morsel to attack. (Mr B is safe).

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