First Port Of Call

After about 5 hours sleep following yesterday’s long journey,

we were up early to be collected from our overnight hotel and taken to a bustling Skiathos port for the ferry to Skopelos.

Inevitably, Tess recognised another couple from Street on our transfer coach, whose daughters had attended the play group she ran many years ago so we chatted to them on the top deck of the ferry as we enjoyed the sunshine and sea breeze on the top deck.

The blip shows the first stop as we reached the north of Skopelos, the port of Loutraki with the village of Glossa perched above.

From here we sailed around the coast to the south of the island for our destination of Skopelos Town, or Chora.

Having dropped our cases at the hotel we strolled back to the harbour for a lunch of calamari, Greek salad and our first, of many no doubt in the next fortnight, Mythos beers.

The afternoon was spent in the pool, followed by a little siesta to catch up on some missed sleep, then an early evening stroll round the narrow, steep streets of the old town and an excellent meal at Alexander’s Garden Taverna at the top of the town, where we fell into conversation with a couple from Warrington at the next table.

It’s good to be back in Greece after too long away,

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