Above and below ground

Monday morning market shop.  John's College chapel looked imposing against the ominous sky.  Rain held off while I was in the market but didn't when I went into Sainsbury's but had stopped when I emerged. 

When cycling across Jesus Green I spotted a sinkhole on the path - extras.

On Friday I noticed a dip in the path surface when I cycled over. I wondered what heavy machine had caused such an indent.  However today after 2 days the ground had cracked and a hole of 20-30cm had opened up.

I warned passersby to be careful and hurried home to report it.  Contacting the council was impossible as the phone rang for 20 minutes and still nobody picking up.  In desperation tweeted my followers on Twitter for advice. The suggestion to contact Environmental services eventually had someone return my call and I left the matter with them.  

I messaged my former school colleague as the children at the nearby school use the green to play on at lunchtime.  Also posted on various social media platforms to alert people in the city.

I hope action has been taken.

Have a pleasant evening and stay safe everyone.

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