The curious incident of the red hot poker

... finale.
Exactly a week ago there was a discussion about red hot pokers. I’d been watching one emerge in the garden and don’t like them. I was tempted to dig it up and send it off in the green bin to the recycling gods. Bizarrely, strange forces were at work and there was a post on freegle asking if anyone had any red hot pokers they don’t want. Yes!
I delivered it to its new home where it will be loved this morning and then bravely headed up to Carlisle. Shops bring me out in a cold sweat so I went to my calming place first, the bookshop, then on to M&S via the cathedral precinct (blip).
I became utterly befuddled and baffled by the bra bonanza, the whole point of the visit, so much so that I’ve got home and realised that I have two entirely unsuitable items. Sigh.

Rain really set in so I spent the rest of the day doing a bit of sorting and domestics and got the next lot of elderflower going, had a go at some Ivan chai that I’d read about on ceridwen’s blip, and drying out more petals to make confetti for my friend’s daughter’s wedding in a few weeks time.

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